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Want to know more about different healing crystals?


See below for more information on what these beautiful gems can do for you!


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Agate - Blue Lace

​A stone that brings cool and calm energy for a piece of mind. It opens the throat chakra to allow for free expression of thoughts and feelings. It is a stone of nurture and support, that neutralises anger, infection, inflammation and fever.

Have fear of being judged and rejected? Blue Lace counteracts repressed and suppressed feelings that come from that fear of judgment and rejection. It does so by dissolving old repressed patterns and encourages a new form of expression. This stone helps men to release and accept their natural feelings and sensitivity.


Healing benefits

- Powerful throat healer

- Releases shoulder and neck problems, thyroid deficiencies, and throat and lymph infections.

- Lowers fevers ,

- Removes blockages of the nervous system, treating arthritic and bone deformity, strengthening the skeletal system and healing fractures.

- Supports capillaries and the pancreas.


A stone that soothes and calms the brain and nervous system. It aligns the physical body with the aura, maintaining the best health. It balances the masculine and femine energies, including many aspects of the personality.

Feeling aggravated? This stone dispels negative energy and aggravation. Worry and fear from emotional trauma are alleviated thanks to the soothing energy Amazonite vibrates. It assists in manifesting universal love.


Healing benefits

- Opens and heals the heart and throat chakra, to strengthen loving communication.

- Opens the third eye, enabling intuition.

- Dissolves negative energy and blockages within the nervous system.

- beneficial in osteoporosis, tooth decay, calcium deficiency, and calcium deposits, balancing the metabolic deficiencies.

- Relieves muscle spasms.

- Amazonite's major feature is the protection it provides from the pollution of microwaves and other sources of electromagnetic radiation.


A stone with strong healing and cleansing abilities, also with heightened spiritual awareness. Amethyst was traditionally used for its sobering effect, aiding in overcoming addictions and blockages of all kinds. It benefits the mind by mediating calming or stimulating energies when suitable, creating focus and giving control back to your innate self.
Need motivation? Amethyst aids in memory enhancement and improved motivation, making you able to set more realistic goals. If you have an overactive mind, amethyst helps calm insomnia created from it and protects against recurring nightmares.

Amethyst creates balance and centers the emotions by dissolving anger, rage, fear and anxiety, alleviating sadness and grief, supporting the acceptance of loss


Healing benefits

- Hormone production, tuning the endocrine system and metabolism.

- Strengthens the immune system and organs. 

- Cleanses the blood. 

- Relieves physical, emotional and psychological pain or stress, and blocks geopathic stress.

- Eases headaches, releasing tension.

- Reduces bruising, injuries and swelling, treating hearing disorders.

- Heals disease of the lungs and respiratory tract, skin conditions, cellular disorders, and digestive tract diseases.

- Benefits intestines, regulates flora, removes parasites, and encourages absorbency of water. --- Treats insomnia and brings restful sleep.

- Subtle level, balances the physical and emotional bodies, linking them to the spiritual.

- Cleanses the aura and transmutes negative energy,

- Stimulates the throat and crown chakras.

-Helpful for people about to make the transition through death.

- Scan stabilise psychiatric conditions though should not be used in cases of paranoia or schizophrenia.


​A stone of inspiration, manifestation and humanitarianism. Apatite is attuned to the future, though still connects to past lives. It aids in development of psychic gifts and spiritual attunement, deepening meditation, raising kundalini energy, whilst providing support on all levels of communication and self-expression.

Feeling drained? It enhances motivation and builds up energy reserves. Feelings that create distance and isolation from others are dissolved thanks to Apatites energy, bringing about openness and social ease. It draws off negativity about oneself and others, having benefits for children with hyperactivity and autism.

Apatite stimulates creativity and intellect, clearing confusion and helping to access information for the greatest and highest good for the self and collective consciousness. Apatite expands knowledge and truth, easing sorrow, apathy and anger. It reduces irritability and overcomes emotional exhaustion. Energy released through the base chakra helps to clear frustration and supporting passion without guilt.


Healing benefits

- Heals bones encouraging formation of new cells.

- Aids in calcium absorption helping cartilage, bones, teeth, motor skills and ameliorates arthritis, joint problems, and rickets.

- Suppresses hunger, raising the metabolic rate, encouraging healthy eating.

- Heals the glands, meridians and organs, overcoming hypertension.

- Balances the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, and the chakras, eliminating over activity and stimulating under activity.

- When used with other crystals, apatite facilitates results.

Aventurine - Green

A stone of positive prosperity. Aventurine strengthens qualities of leadership and decision making, promoting compassion, empathy and perseverance. It has a stabilising effect on the state of mind, stimulating perception, and enhancing creativity.

Require calm from anger and irritation? Aventurine does just that, stimulating an emotional recovery and enabling a state of living within one’s own heart. It promotes a feeling of well-being, a balance of masculine and feminine energies, encourages the regeneration of the heart energy, whilst protecting the heart chakra from others that may absorb the heart energy.

Green Aventurine comforts and heals the heart, harmonizes, and protects the heart. It brings things back into control and useful for malignant conditions. An all round healing crystal that relaxes nausea and dissolves negative emotions and thoughts, bringing in well-being and emotional calm.


Healing benefits

- Benefits the thymus gland, connective tissues, and nervous system,

- Balances blood pressure and stimulates the metabolism, lowering cholesterol and preventing arteriosclerosis and heart attacks.

- It's inflammatory effect and helps to ease skin eruptions and allergies, relieves migraine headaches, and soothes the eyes.

- Heals the adrenals, lungs, sinuses, heart, and muscular and urogenital systems.


A stone for blood cleansing and powerful healing. Bloodstone has properties that both ground and protect from undesirable influences, stimulating dreams and vitality. It is a stone that aids you in acting in the present moment vibrating energies of courage, strategic withdrawal and flexibility in avoiding dangerous situations.

Feeling mentally exhausted? Bloodstone can revitalise the mind, creating calm, dispelling confusion and adjusting the self to unaccustomed circumstances. It reduces irritation, aggressiveness and impatience, grounding the heart energy and assists in bringing spirituality into everyday life.


Healing benefits

- An energy cleanser and immune stimulator for acute infections.

- Stimulates flow of lymph and metabolic processes, revitalises and re-energizes when body and mind are exhausted,

- Purifies blood, and detoxifies liver, kidneys, spleen, and bladder.

- Benefits blood-rich organs, regulates and supports blood-flow, and aids the circulation.

- Reduces the formation of pus and neutralises over acidification.

- Helpful in cases of leukaemia as it supports blood and removes toxins.

- Cleanses the lower chakras and realigns their energies.


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Healing benefits


Currently being studied and researched. The information will be released once the knowledge has been obtained


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A stone that stabilises, restores vitality, motivates, and stimulates creativity. Carnelian grounds and anchors you in the present reality, sharing vibrations of life cycle acceptance and removing fears of death.

Contemplating life choices? Carnelian offers courage, promotes positive life choices motivating success in business and other matters by dispelling apathy. It guides you in trusting yourself and your perceptions, overcoming negative conditioning, and encouraging resolve.

Carnelian protects against, envy, rage, and resentment, within the individual self or from others. It calms anger and removes emotional negativity replacing it with a love for life.


Healing benefits

- Full of life force energy and vitality.

- Stimulates the metabolism, activate the base chakra, influences the female reproductive organ, increasing fertility.

- Overcomes frigidity and impotence,

- Heals lower back problems, rheumatism, arthritis, neuralgia, and depression, especially in those of advanced years.

- Regulates bodily fluids and the kidneys,

- Accelerates healing in bones and ligaments, and strengthens blood. I

- Improves the absorption of vitamins and minerals, ensuring a good supply of blood to organs and tissues.

​Chrysanthemum Stone

​A stone that slowly releases energy of calm confidence and any environment with its gentle presence. It creates harmony by synthesising change with balance, helping the self flourish and enjoy being centred in the present moment.

Wish for spiritual growth? Chrysanthemum stone guides you in keeping the childlike, fun-loving, and innocent nature whilst following the spiritual path. It shares an impulse to develop one’s self, strengthening the personality by overcoming bigotry, ignorance, narrow mindedness, self righteousness and jealousy.

Chrysanthemum stone brings stability and trust, by eliminating resentment and animosity and encouraging more love to the world, bringing in more love into the individual life.

Chrysanthemum Stone.jpg

Healing benefits

- Promotes physical maturation and transition.

- Treats the skin, skeleton, and eyes.

- Useful for dispersing toxins and dissolving growths.


A stone of tranquility and sustainment, helping with meditation and communication. Chrysocolla can invoke great inner strength in accepting peacefully, situations that are constantly changing.

Seeking inner calm? Crysocolla supports in finding self awareness and inner balance, guiding you in confidence and sensitivity. It builds upon your personal power, inspiring creativity and reducing mental tension helping to keep cool headed.

Crysocolla calms, cleanses, and re-energises each of the chakras, drawing out negative emotions of guilt, and reversing destructive behaviour to bring about joy and motivation; healing heartache, and increasing loving capacity; improving communication, and recognising when to remain silent; and, opens psychic vision.


Healing benefits
- Treats arthritis, bone disease, muscle spasms, the digestive tract ulcers, blood disorders and lung problems.

- Detoxifies the liver, kidneys, and intestines.

- Oxygenates the blood and the cellular structure of the lungs, giving greater lung and breathing capacity

- Regenerates the pancreas, regulates insulin, and balances blood.

- Strengthens muscles and alleviates muscle cramps.

- It's cooling action heals infections, especially the throat and tonsils, lowers blood pressure, and soothes burns.

- Relieves aetheric pain, strengthens the thyroid and benefits the metabolism.

- Excellent for women, treating PMS and menstrual cramps.

- It dissolves miasms.


A stone that is highly protective,drawing off negative energy and stress of all kinds. Anything that is not in perfect order, Fluorite cleanses, purifies, dissolves, and reorganizes. 


Require learning support? Fluorite aids in processing and organising information, by increasing concentration and connecting the dots to what you already know and what you are learning. 


Fluorite has a stabilizing effect balancing the mind and emotions on the body. It dissolves fixed ideas helping to act impartially and objectively, increasing self confidence and dexterity.


Healing benefits

- Powerful healing tool, dealing with infections and disorders.

- Benefits teeth, cells, and bones and repairs DNA damage.

- Powerful against viruses, especially as an elixir. regenerating the skin and mucous membranes, particularly in the respiratory tract,

- Heals ulcers and wounds.

- Beneficial for colds, flu, and sinusitis.

- It dissolves adhesion's and mobilises joints,

- Alleviates arthritis and rheumatism and spinal injuries. straight across the body towards the heart

- Provides pain relief

- It ameliorates discomfort of shingles and other nerve related pain, healing the skin, removing blemishes and wrinkles.

- Can be used during dental work.

- Rekindles sexual libido.


A stone that powerfully energises and regenerates. It revitalizes, purifies, and balances energies, bringing serenity or passion when needed. It is used to inspire love and devotion, whilst balancing the sex drive and alleviating emotional disharmony.


Are you feeling stuck or broken? Garnet helps to fortify, activate and strengthen your survival instincts, to bring about courage and hope, turning a crisis into a challenge.


Garnet activates and amplifies other crystals, clearing negative chakra energy. It opens the heart and provides self-confidence, opening your awareness to clearer perceptions of yourself and others, by dissolving old patterns of behaviour and outdated ideas.


Healing benefits

- Regenerates the body.

-Stimulates the metabolism.

Treats spinal and cellular disorders.

- Purifies and re-energize the blood, and lungs, regenerating DNA.

- Assists in assimilation of minerals and vitamins.


A stone that grounds and protects, whilst harmonising the mind, body and spirit. Hematite restores peace and harmony to the body dissolving negativity and protecting from negative energies that attempt to enter the auric field.


Require support with compulsion and addiction? Hematite highlights unfulfilled desires that drive life, by treating overeating, smoking, and other forms of overindulgence. It helps you come to terms with mistakes and accept them as learning experiences.


Hematite boosts self esteem, focus and concentration, strengthens willpower, and imparts confidence, survivability and reliability. It has a powerful connect with blood, restoring, strengthening and regulating the blood supply.


Healing benefits

- Aids in circulatory problems such as Reynaud's disease and blood conditions such as anemia.

- Supports the kidneys in cleansing blood and it regenerates tissue.

- Stimulates absorption of iron and the formation of red blood cells.

- Treats leg cramps, anxiety, and insomnia, aids spinal alignment and fractures.

- Use as an elixir for fevers.


A stone of extreme calming. Howlite teaches patience, helping eliminate rage and uncontrolled anger. It aids in overcoming critical and selfish tendencies, strengthening positive character traits.


Difficulty sleeping? Howlite is excellent for insomnia, especially for those with overactive minds. It aids in stilling the mind for sleep or meditation.


Howlite opens up the mind to wisdom and insight, stimulating the desire for knowledge. It strengthens the memory aiding retention.


Healing benefits

- Relieves insomnia

- Balances calcium levels within the body.

- Aids teeth, bones, and soft tissue.

Jade - Olive

A stone of purity and serenity, that increases love and nurturing. Jade is a protective stone keeping the wearer from harm bringing harmony and tranquility, attracting good luck and friendship.


Require support with self-sufficiency? Jade releases negative thoughts, soothing the mind emotionally allowing ideas and tasks to appear more simple for immediate action to be taken. Olive/Green Jade calms the nervous system and channels passion in constructive ways. The harmony that jade brings is useful for challenging relationships and bringing the mind and body together.


Jade can bring insightful dreams and encourages you to become who you truly are, recognising you are a spiritual being engaging in a human experience.


Healing benefits

- Treats kidneys and supra-adrenal glands, removes toxins, rebinds cellular and skeletal systems, heals stitches.

- Assists in fertility and childbirth.

- Works on hips and spleen.

-  Balances fluids in the body and water-salt/acid-alkaline ratios.

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